1. Report -

    From July – September 2023, Healthwatch Lewisham has compiled over 1,000 reviews of and conducted over 40 visits to local healthcare services. Lewisham residents responded to how they were treated by hospital staff, quality of treatment, and appointment availability
  2. Report -

    We have been working on a report into the health experiences of transgender and non-binary people in Lewisham. In this report we dive into their experiences, to find out how services can be made better.
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    Each quarter, we publish the experiences of patients that we have gathered. This helps us to see trends in care compared to previous months.

    We have seen an increase in the percentage of people sharing positive feedback about GPs in the Borough and, in a similar trend, the feedback on hospital services is more positive at the end of the year than the start of the year.
    The experience of Dental services is also more positive at the end of the year, albeit dropping slightly from a high in Q3.

    Positive experiences of pharmacy services have increased significantly, by 20% over the course of the year, experiencing quarter upon quarter improvement and, although lower in number, Optician service feedback has increased to 80% positive feedback.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. Take a look at our top tips to make the most out of your GP appointment.
  5. Report -

    In our first annual report, we talk about the privilege and challenge it has been to kickstart Healthwatch Lewisham and what we've achieved thus far.
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    In the 2014 - 2015 report, we share our work to understand people's experiences and improve key areas of focus based on feedback from community members.
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    In our 2015 - 2016 annual report, we celebrate our growth on social media, the work of our volunteers, and our outreach at events across Lewisham.
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    In this report, we talk about the impact of our new Lewisham NHS Independent Advocacy Service and introduce our new digital Feedback Centre, coming 1 April 2017.
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    This year we started our #30DaysofHealthwatch campaign and heard from 74 percent more people than last year.
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    This year saw us tackle issues such as men and young people's mental health, complaints information and access to services.
  11. Report -

    Our 2019 - 2020 Annual Report highlights our achievements as the patient voice over the last twelve months.
  12. Report -

    The impact of COVID-19 and subsequent changes to health and care services means that representing the voice of local people is more important than ever.
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    During the third COVID-19 lockdown, we heard from 1,141 people about their experiences with health and social care. Find out what they told us about local GPs, hospital, dentists and vaccination hubs by downloading our full report.
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    During October to December 2020, we heard from 910 patients, carers, and relatives regarding their experiences with local health and social care services. This report outlines the key themes, findings and recommendations that emerged from our conversations.
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    We heard the experiences of over 900 residents during July- September. Find out what they told us about local health and care services.
  16. Advice and Information -

    The Care Act 2014 is a law that came into action in April 2015 that sets out how people’s care and support is approached by councils.
  17. Report -

    We exist to ensure that people are at the heart of care. We listen to what people like about services, and what could be improved and we share their views with those with the power to make change happen.
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    Our latest intelligence report highlights the experiences of Lewisham residents between February and July. Find out about the views of older residents, young adults living with cancer from BME communities and much much more.
  19. Report -

    Our report breaks down Lewisham residents' experiences of health and social care services. Find out what the key issues are by reading our report.
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    Find out what patients told us about their experiences of health and social care services in Lewisham during July-September. Our report covers engagement with refugees, as well as in-depth conversations about mental health.
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    Read our summarised intelligence report which highlights the key themes from our Accessible Information Standard Report, Healthy Eating Report, Social Care Report and much much more.
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    In our latest intelligence report we found that patient experience of the University Hospital Lewisham (UHL) continues to be mixed. Whilst access to GP appointments remains an issue across the borough.
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    Read what people told us about services in the last three months.
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    Our latest intelligence report covered Lewisham residents experiences of local health and care services. Including the views of teenagers on healthy relationships and their use of sexual health services in the borough. We also heard the experiences about the discharge lounge in University Hospital Lewisham.
  25. Report -

    Find out what patients told us about their experiences of health and social care services in Lewisham during October and December. Our report focuses on people's frustration with booking appointments at GP practices and waiting times at University Hospital Lewisham.
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    Learn what 173 residents told us about local health services in the last three months.
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    Healthwatch Lewisham is proud to be presenting the Quarter 4 Report. The report details the work we have done for the patient experience programme. This report is informative and gives great insight into the health and social care needs of the people within our community.
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    As another quarter comes to an end, we reflect on how things have progressed over these months.