Patient experience report - quarter three

During October to December 2020, we heard from 910 patients, carers, and relatives regarding their experiences with local health and social care services. This report outlines the key themes, findings and recommendations that emerged from our conversations.

Patients had mixed experiences of booking appointments and appointment availability at their GP practice. Patients also expressed concerns about lack of communication and joint up working between health services. Whilst service users were pleased with their treatment and care (84% positive) there were reservations about the telephone consultation system and the ability to have physical symptoms properly diagnosed over the phone.

Hospital services in Lewisham were praised for the COVID-19 safety measures that had been implemented inside their services and reduced waiting times inside the service for scheduled appointments. However, patients raised concerns about the triage system at the A&E department, miscommunication around appointments and the delay or cancellation of non-COVID-19 related appointments or procedures.

Residents who used pharmacies found picking up prescriptions to be an efficient process and appreciated the option for home delivery of repeat prescriptions, an important service for vulnerable and elderly residents who may be shielding.


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Patient experience report October - December 2020

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