Enter and view at Beechcroft care home
Last year, Beechcroft Care Home received a "requires improvement" rating by the Care Quality Commission. The care home was also flagged up by the Lewisham Safeguarding Adults Board. Therefore, we decided to carry out an Enter and View there to gather the views of the residents and staff members.
- The staff that we spoke to at Beechcroft House all appeared happy with their roles and the way the care home was run.
- During our visit, we were unable to get a positive sense of how feedback from residents, relatives and friends or others helps influence the work of the home.
- Some of the people that we spoke to said they were happy about the service they received ,others said it was “OK” with one describing it as “not comfortable but liveable”; but there was also a sense that some people were less happy or were reluctant to speak up at all.
- Where we were told about concerns, residents didn’t want us to raise them with the manager as they were either satisfied that the matter had been dealt with or were not sure that it would make a difference.
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Beechcroft enter and view report