Q1 Patient Experience Report 2023/24

Most residents shared positive experiences with the hospital staff and noted a high quality of care. While the care experiences were overall positive, patients are still struggling to get hold of their care providers and book appointments and note negative experiences in this area.
GP Services
In general, patients have had positive experiences with staff attitudes and quality of staff, with over 80% stating they were good or excellent. The biggest negative for GPs is appointment availability and getting through over the phone.
Hospital Services
Like GP services, patients reported having positive interactions with the staff as well as having good/excellent quality of treatment. While the in-person interactions were positive, many agreed that the wait times, specifically while at the hospital, were too long. Patients who received care at A&E reported wait times up to eight hours.
Dental Services
Patient reports found that approximately 96% had a positive experience when booking appointments. They found the check-up reminders were helpful and booking over the phone to be easy.
Patients also found, however, that they were reluctant to receive care as it was not affordable. Over 80% of patients mentioned having a negative experience with their care affordability and being overcharged for services.
Lewisham residents have reported that they are pleased with their pharmacy’s medicine management, especially the delivery services for those who are unable to come into the pharmacy. Over 70% of residents stated that pharmacies should update their opening and closing times, as they are sometimes confusing and/or patients are not available to go in at those times.
A full report on Healthwatch Lewisham’s findings can be downloaded below.