Parent and carer forum workshop

Healthwatch Lewisham has been working closely with the Parent and Carer Forum as part of a consortium of CVS organisations who provide support, advice and signposting and information at the Kaleidoscope Children’s centre in Catford.


  • Share this report with parents of the Lewisham Parent and Carer Forum via the Parent and Carer Forum newsletter
  • Feed the experiences about the 111 service back to the 111 stakeholder meetings
  • Healthwatch will be working with the Lewisham Young Mayor’s Team and the Lewisham Disability Coalition to organise a youth forum to discuss the needs of young people who have a disability in Lewisham. 
  • Ask CAMHS for information about their referral and triage process to communicate back to parents and send to the Healthwatch wider network via the Healthwatch ebulletin
  • Ask for clarification from children’s social care in regards to dealing with communication and phone calls with parents
  • Continue to communicate with the Parent and Carer Forum about the work Healthwatch is undertaking and what outcomes happen as a result of the Parent and Carer Forum involvement


If you require this report in an alternative format, please get in touch with us to discuss the request. 

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Parents and carer forum workshop report

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