About this event
Migration Museum is currently looking for people to be part of a People’s Panel and Network, helping to establish our community engagement values and practices in Lewisham and beyond. They are looking for participants within the Lewisham borough that would be interested in sharing their thoughts about the museum and help develop the start-up project's work. There are two streams within this project:
1) People’s Panel – the core feedback group committed to attending 3 workshops at the Migration Museum and completing 3 follow-up surveys (either online, over the phone, or in person). These will take place between Autumn 2022 and Summer 2023. Participants will receive £75 per workshop for their time.
2) People’s Network – a virtual network of participants committed to completing 3 surveys (either online, over the phone or in person). These will take place between Autumn 2022 and Summer 2023. Participants will receive a £10 high street voucher per survey.
Both groups would be invited to the museum for a guided tour to learn more about our activities ahead of participating in the project. These are scheduled in for Tuesday 25th and Saturday 29th October (11am-1pm) – participants would be encouraged to attend one session only.
Contact details
— Sending an email to info@migrationmuseum.org with the subject line as ‘People’s Panel and Network’
— Calling and leaving a message on 020 3488 4508 – someone will call you back
— Coming into the museum and speaking to a member of staff – opening hours are Weds–Sat 11am-5.30pm and Sun 11am-5pm